I told myself I would not call the doctor until this afternoon, but by 7:45 I was calling. Finally around 8:45 this morning I got the news I had been waiting for, Kendrix's moles were benign(I don't really know how to spell that!) but that doesn't really matter because they used a lot of big words that I did not understand except for that one!! I am supposed to call on Monday to find out what the doctor wants us to do from here. Thank you to all who have said a prayer on for Kendrix. I was really worried about this, but I guess I should learn to turn all of that over and trust that it will all work out. That is a hard thing for me to do when it comes to my children.
On the lighter side, Kendrix was wanting to go to my mom's today and I was ready for him to go! On the way there Michael and I were talking about how he was feeling his oats and I said he has cabin fever. Kendrix looked at us, touched his head and said "No I don't have any fever!"